GSSE Study Guide

Files for Anatomy Study

  1. MCQ bank - excel spreadsheet version (download and open in excel to use)

  2. Lasts anatomy 9th edition - pdf included

  3. Netter’s Atlas - pdf included

  4. Instant Anatomy - pdf included

  5. Rohen & Yokochi Color Atlas of Anatomy - pdf included

  6. Previous spot tests - pdfs included

Pathology and Physiology

  1. MCQ bank - excel spreadsheet version (download and open in excel to use)

  2. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology - pdf included

  3. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease - pdf included

  4. *USMLE step 1 textbooks

  5. *L Lai’s notes - contain errors but can be helpful

YouTube Resources

  1. Armando Hasudungan

  2. Osmosis


  • Start with the MCQ bank - each question used as a topic to read around.

  • The excel spreadsheet version will calculate your mark as you enter your answers to monitor progress (instructions on how to use on first sheet on spreadsheet)

  • For each MCQ find and read the section on Last’s (pdf is useful jump to it quickly by ctrl+F a key word) and then correlate with picture from Netter’s (again ctrl+F to quickly find an image that has what you want to see)

  • I recommend write your own notes as you go containing the main key facts - was useful to include screengrabs of Netter’s images alongside. You’ll never retain it all the first time and so was really handy to have notes to read through a couple of times in the days leading up to the exam.

  • Mnemonics are v. useful for this exam, particularly in week or two leading up to it. There are some important lists to be able to rattle off - for example, branches of the subclavian / axillary arteries, order of structures passing through the ankle extensor and flexor retinacula etc - I never learnt many mnemonics at uni but these help a lot. Easy to find on google. I recommend making a document of collected mnemonics (I’ve included a file with a few of mine)

  • Instant Anatomy textbook is great for learning lists of branching arteries and nerves.

  • Spot questions: In the week before the exam I started practicing spots. Start by looking at the previous spot tests (one RACS, four by Julie Mundy - easier) and then identify weak areas and go through some dissections in Rohen & Yokochi and test yourself.

Physiology and Pathology

  • Similar process - use each MCQ as a brief topic and look it up on Ganong’s or Robbins, write your own notes with key images from books / online

  • For concepts - such as reproductive hormone physiology, metabolism of carbs/fats/proteins, everything immunology, I v highly recommend youtube videos by Armando Hasudungan or Osmosis (links above). Give a good understand of the big picture so that you understand and don’t need to memorise. Also USMLE textbooks have good thorough explanations (but are long so can be annoying to find key chapters)

  • Everyon ehas L Lai’s notes for pathology and physiology but they are often just the answers to the MCQs without good explanations, so not good for grasping concepts, and also contain lots of errors. I would recommend only using if you reeeally can’t be bothered making your own notes.


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