Computer navigated allograft transplant in the medial femoral condyle,



We report a case of computer navigated allograft transplantation for the treatment of an osteochondritis dissecans lesion of the medial femoral condyle of the knee.

Case report

Commercially available computer navigation software (OrthoMap 3D) was utilised to map, plan and resect the osteochondritis dissecans lesion and donor femur allograft. Computer navigation software was employed to 3D render both the patient knee and allograft femur, and align the ideal articular surface angles of the allograft to that of the patient's knee. Surgical excision margins were planned, and screw fixation insertion locations were mapped and placed in optimal trajectories. Sequential postoperative radiographs showed successful implantation at one month with union observed at the three-month review. Twelve month follow up established our patient's successful return to work.


The use of 3D imaging in preoperative planning and intraoperative navigation of osteochondral allograft surgery of the medial femoral condyle allows accurate identification of local anatomy, minimisation of resection margins, versatility of lesion shape, and most importantly alignment of the allograft implant to the articular surface angles of the joint.


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