SVHM Orthopaedics Website Release

The SVHM Orthopaedics website is ready for release. This website is designed as a hub for the SVHM Orthopaedics team and contains a variety of integrated features - and a new custom logo.

Weekly email announcements are now on the Dashboard and are continually updated. All Google Drive rosters are embedded and synchronised so no more hunting the Drive for allocations.

Teaching and learning are at the heart of St Vincent’s culture, so curated materials have been gathered in Resources for all levels. Upcoming events are all contained in the integrated calendar which can sync with your Google Calendar or iCal - no more .pdfs. News from the department is updated in a rolling ticker on the home page keeping the team up to date.

Past, current, and proposed research topics are gathered here too; get involved with the team or stay current with the newest research. Finally, aspiring orthopaedic surgeons have new resources to further their careers.

If you have materials, announcements, research, or news to contribute to the website, contact


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